
 Can I qualify for an EV certificate?

The main criteria for qualifier for an EV certificate would be that your business is an official...

 Can I see which Certification Authorities have their own Trusted CA root present in browsers?

Yes, the brands that we provide all have their roots included in modern devices and browsers....

 Can I use SSL to cover an internal domain?

You can use SSL to cover an internal domain if it is an officially registered domain (a publicly...

 How can I get a Green Address Bar for my website?

The only way to get the green address bar on your website is with an Extended Validation (EV)...

 How can I use 256-bit encryption?

256-bit encryption is a server configuration. This has nothing to do with the certificate itself,...

 How long are your SSL certificates valid for?

Our SSL certificates can be valid from anywhere to 1-3 years, depending on the certificate you...

 How many domains can I secure with a Multi-Domain SSL Certificate?

This largely depends on the type of Multi-Domain SSL certificate that you purchase. Comodo...

 I'm a Sole Proprietor, can I still qualify for an OV/EV certificate?

Sole Proprietors outside of the U.K. can qualify for both OV and EV certificates. However, Sole...

 What certificates offer www and non-www coverage?

GeoTrust and RapidSSL both offer coverage for www and non-www. As long as the certificate is...

 What if I can only use one certificate file?

If your hosting platform or company tells you that you can only use one certificate file, then...

 What is Multi Domain Wildcard SSL?

A Multi-Domain Wildcard SSL certificate can secure multiple domains and all of their associated...

 What is SSL?

SSL, which stands for Secure Sockets Layer, is a cyber-security protocol that digitally encrypts...

 What is a Certificate Authority and what is your relationship to them?

A Certificate Authority (CA) is the company that actually issues the SSL certificates. Symantec,...

 What is a Domain Validated (DV) SSL Certificate?

A Domain Validated (DV) SSL certificate is a quick and easy way to secure a domain, as the...

 What is a Multi-domain or SAN certificate?

Multi-domain or SAN (Secure Alternate Name) SSL certificates can cover multiple domain names on...

 What is a UC Certificate (UCC)?

UC stands for Unified Communications and is a newer type of SSL certificate that is designed and...

 What is a Wildcard SSL certificate?

Wildcard SSL certificates can cover one main domain name (www.domain.com) and an unlimited amount...

 What is an Extended Validation (EV) SSL Certificate?

EV stands for Extended Validation and is the most premium type of SSL certificate available....

 What is an Organization Validated (OV) SSL Certificate?

An Organization Validated (OV) SSL certificate requires that a business complete a light vetting...

 What is the SSL certificate warranty?

An SSL certificate warranty covers any damages that you may incur as a result of a data breach or...

 What is the difference between 1024- and 2048-bit key lengths?

These key lengths refer to the strength of the private key. You can think of it as the size of...

 What is the difference between 1024- and 2048-bit key lengths?

 What is the difference between 128- and 256-bit security?

That is the difference between the key lengths used once an SSL connection has been established...

 What is the difference between SHA-1 and SHA-2?

SHA stands for Signature Hashing Algorithm. It's a mathematical hash that proves the authenticity...

 What is the difference between Wildcard and SAN/Multi-Domain functionality?

Wildcard SSL certificates can cover one main domain (www.domain.com) and an unlimited amount of...

 Which SSL brands are most trusted & secure?

All of the Certificate Authorities (CAs) that we carry are leaders in the industry and trusted...